Your Lipedema action guide

Understanding Lipedema: More Than Just “Weight Gain”

Lipedema is a chronic condition that affects millions of women worldwide, yet it remains widely misunderstood. It’s NOT just about weight gain—it’s a painful and progressive disorder that causes abnormal fat accumulation, primarily in the legs, thighs, and arms.

Hi, I’m Meli Mellinas! 

I’m a certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) massage therapist, dedicated to helping women feel lighter, healthier, and more confident in their own skin.

For over 8 years, I’ve been working with women looking for real solutions to discomfort, swelling, and heaviness in their legs. If you’re tired of struggling with these issues, I’m here to help!

🦵Let’s get your legs feeling their best! 🦵

Get the Lipedema Action Guide Now!

That’s why I’ve created a comprehensive guide packed with everything you need to know—what it is, key signs and symptoms, diagnosis, tests, treatments, nutrition tips, and so much more!

Lipedema action guide

Key Signs of Lipedema:

✅ Disproportionate fat in legs and arms, but not the feet or hands

✅ Easy bruising and sensitivity to touch

✅ Persistent swelling that doesn’t improve with diet or exercise

✅ Pain and heaviness in affected areas

 Why Awareness Matters

Many women go undiagnosed for years, being told to “just lose weight,” when in reality, lipedema requires specialized care. Early diagnosis can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

You Are Not Alone! 

If you or someone you know is struggling with these symptoms, seek advice from a healthcare provider familiar with lipedema. Let’s break the stigma and spread awareness!


Get the Lipedema Action Guide Now!

That’s why I’ve created a comprehensive guide packed with everything you need to know—what it is, key signs and symptoms, diagnosis, tests, treatments, nutrition tips, and so much more!

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